Monday, August 8, 2011

Top 10 Reasons...I'm Ready For Fall

Now, I realize I fussed to no end about the cold weather, but I'm over the heat. Good heavens, I am over the heat! Don't get me wrong, I'm not ready for winter but I am ready for a change. Here is a list of reasons I am ready for fall:

10. Jeans and boots! I love getting out my comfiest pair of jeans and boots.

9. Leaves. There is not much better than crunching the leaves on a long walk.

8. North Carolina State Fair. Who doesn't love a good pig-out sesh while watching the tractor races? Some of my personal faves are: fried oreos, turkey legs, fried cheescake, funnel cakes-yum!

7. Turkey Day! Family, friends, food, and football? There's not much better than that list!

6. Cooler weather. I'm ready for a quick cool down without the arctic. I would adore the opportunity to not sweat the moment I step outside.

5. Carolina Renaissance Festival. This is one of my favorite parts of fall. Picture the State Fair during the 16th Century. All sorts of cuckoos come out dressed in their royal garb with their English accents ready for a good time. If you're near Charlotte October-November, make it a point to go!

4. School.  I know this sounds crazy, but I kinda miss it. I miss the routine. I miss the kids. I miss my coworkers. I'm ready to get back in the swing of things!

3. Yard work with the hubby. This will probably wear off pretty quickly, but I'm excited to spend Saturdays working outside with my love.

2. New things at church. We're kick starting the kid's ministry AND the Community Group's ministry-whoot whoot! I'm excited to see where God takes Hope Church!

1. Football!! I am so ready to spend Friday evenings, Saturdays, and Sunday afternoons watching the boys run around after that pigskin.

What are you looking forward to this fall??

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