Monday, November 24, 2014

Panthers' Game 2014

I may be a week late on this post, but better late than never, right?? Last year my dad's company offered up a block of tickets to a Panthers game and he reserved six for us. We had so much fun we knew we had to do it again! This year we figured we'd strap the princess into the Ergo and make a big day of it. Sniffles and yucky weather intervened so my mom volunteered to stay back with the babe. A warm house with a gas fireplace and baby snuggles? I'm thinking Gigi didn't have such a bad gig after all ;-)

We got to our favorite lot nice and early so we could get a good parking spot for corn hole, Washers, and some grubbin'. I should probably preface this with the information that when my dad does something, he doesn't do it halfway. Go big or go home, you know what I'm sayin'? This was no exception. 

Daddy manning the spread. He even had a tablecloth for the table. I told you-go big or go home.

So much has changed since last year's game and I love it! 

 Officially sisters!

After we had way too much fun tailgating we headed into the game. What made this game extra special was the fact that they were celebrating the different branches of the armed forces. Part of the way through the game they brought a member of the Army's family out onto the field and had a message from him on the big screens. If that wasn't sweet enough the cameras then panned to the tunnel and out came the serviceman! I'm getting chills just thinking about it. The tears just started pouring. 

 View of the field from our seats.

Unfortunately the Panthers couldn't quite pull it off (the theme of this season) and they lost to the Falcons. It was a great day none the less.

On a random side note, as I was looking through some of the pictures of the day I ran across this one:

And instantly flashed back to this the year before:

It appears my dear sister, Abby, has some pretty sweet dance moves she saves specifically for the Panthers. If that's the case I think we need to hit up more games;-)

1 comment:

  1. your blog is so cute, Go Panthers!
