Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Do Not Fear

I don't think it can be said enough times, but the She Reads Truth devotionals are always on point! We are currently walking through a series on Advent and today's focus on the angel coming to Joseph really spoke to my heart. 

Do not fear. 

Three simple words that speak volumes. The angel tells Joseph not to be afraid of the uncertainty coming soon. What a bold statement to follow in that time when Joseph had nothing but fear for the future. 

Do not fear.

This is something that I needed to be reminded of. It's been a while since I've posted about my kidneys because, honestly, I've been depressed about it all. About a month ago we learned my kidneys were not responding well (or at all) to the tapering process and my dosage needed to be upped significantly. Cue sinking heart. What would this mean for breastfeeding? What would this mean for the rest of my body? (Prednisone is not a medication you want to be on long term!) What would this mean for my future health? After much prayer and counsel from some very wise friends I accepted it as so and continued on with life. 

Fast forward to earlier this week when I started noticing some swelling and puffiness. Cue sinking heart. I knew what this meant-my body wasn't responding well to the prednisone. How could this be?? I'd always done well on it-what was going on?? After a series of labs and conferencing with the doctor we learned my kidney function continues to be normal (praise!) but I do have protein in my urine. In response, the doctor returned me to a higher dose of prednisone and I have labs in a few weeks to check on how I'm doing with that.

Do not fear.

This reminder came at the perfect time. I have been a hot mess of worry and fear when I really have nothing to be afraid of. God is constantly working in me and through me to glorify himself even if I don't see it now. Even if my kidneys want to act up-I have nothing to fear! God is doing HIS thing on HIS time. What a beautiful reminder for this stubborn girl. I pray that you remember this not just now as you read this full of joy in a holiday season, but also when you are beaten down and tired. 

Do not fear.

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