Friday, February 7, 2014

5 on a Friday [02.07]

I'm mixing it up this Friday with a new link-up, but Happy Friday nonetheless!

We are 13 weeks! Hooray! Nugget is the size of a peach and has teeth buds and itsy bitsy fingernails! Our next appointment is at the 16-week mark and I'm already dying to see him/her again!

Any of y'all watching "The Following"?? Holy.canoli. I may have to stop watching it because of all the stress it gives me! You never know who is in the cult and who is actually a good guy, or what the heck is going to happen next!

My students have been really sweet this week. I don't know what is in the water, but I hope it stays there! The kids have been working hard and keep saying fun things are me being pregnant. I even have a boy who insists on carrying my lunchbox and Nalgene of water to and from lunch! Love them!

We have no big plans this weekend and I am stoked! I love not having lots of things to do and getting to sit around with me loves!

The Olympics start tonight and I'm having mixed feelings. I have always loved watching the Olympics and the round-the-clock coverage, but this time things just feel different. All the negative media surrounding the preparation coupled with the scary reports coming out of there. I'm just not sure if I want to watch. . .


  1. I feel the same about the Winter Olmypics. It's so sad. I just cannot stop thinking about everything BUT the Olympics when I watch. Stopping by from the link-up. Happy Friday!

    Forever Young

  2. Have you seen the tweets about the hotel conditions from the reporters in Sochi? Some of them are hilarious. Did you announce your pregnancy to your students? I decided to just wait until they figured it out. After Christmas break I started to notice quite a few whispers in my direction. It actually took them until last week for someone to get the courage to ask me. Ha!

  3. I love the following but always have to watch it while doing something else! The suspense kills me, sometimes I ask hubs to mute it so I don't have to hear what is going on. He never listens though!

  4. Hello from the link up :) CONGRATS on your precious little one on the way :) So exciting!! ... I haven't watched any of The Following yet, I was tempted to check it out, but not sure I can handle it - lol! Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend!!

  5. Visiting from the link up. Looking froward to reading more about your upcoming arrival. :)

  6. First of all...CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you guys! :) Secondly, the Following. Each week I tell Luke that I can't watch it anymore. And then sure enough, the next week at 8 o'clock I'm right back sucked in.
