Have you heard of Whole30? You've probably heard it mentioned a time or two in passing. Or maybe you know someone who is a pretty healthy eater who lives it day in and day out. I first heard mention of it a couple of years ago and thought it was poppycock. Give up dairy? No way, Jose! Say no to my nightly sweet treats? You must be crazy! Eliminate ALL processed foods? Here, let me direct you to the looney bin.
I mean, we've always eaten fairly healthily but nothing super extreme. Usually a meat and two veggies at supper with bread a distant thing of the past. Our (started as mine and I slowly brought David's tastebuds around. . .) downfall has always been dessert. Have you seen the foodie section of this blog?? It wasn't until my kidneys stopped responding to the steroids as they had in the past that I started really investigating our diet and what we were doing to ourselves. I was amazed at how poor our choices had become over time. It was time to hit the reset button.
So, that's where we are-hitting the reset button. We're not going into this in hopes of losing weight, but more in jumpstarting our bodies. Trying to kick the sugar addiction (yes, it is a total addiction for me!) and eliminate the ick that we take in. It certainly won't be easy, but we believe it will definitely be worth it!
I have been looking into the Whole 30 and even considered starting it in January. I'm sold on the idea, but am struggling with the day to day how. Most of the recipes I have found seem great but one, they require a lot of ingredients and two, they are time consuming. I need help with figuring out what to eat for "quick and easy" dinners and packed lunches at school. .. With that being said I'm totally for whole 30 and would love to hear about your progress!!