Two Januarys ago we were walking through a rough time healing from losing Emerson. On a randomly warm Saturday we decided to get out of the house and hike Crowder's Mountain. It was a really good day. Fast forward two years and we decided to take advantage of another random January warm up.
My parents came to stay with Amelia Grace since we knew trying to take a baby on a two-hour hike was asking for trouble. We kept joking that it was "Daisy's day" since she was the center of attention again. No sharing the back seat or worrying about sitting on a baby for her!
We took the same path we did last time, which lead us up the mountain on a moderate path before we hit a gravelly trail. Then it was the beast set of stairs. Two years ago I was two weeks from having a baby and about 15 pounds heavier than I was this time around. My big goal was to be able to climb all the stairs without having to rest and I am happy to say I did it! My goal for next time is to be able to go two at a time. We'll see how that goes. . . ;-)
The view from the top. . .
Once we reached the top we quickly refueled with some water and apple slices (sticking to that Whole30!) before heading back down through the rocky terrain. Daisy was absolutely fearless as she leapt over piles of rocks and treacherous roots. It was fun to just let her roam a bit too.
My stud of a husband and the original princess.
All-in-all it took about 2 hours to do the whole loop. We weren't racing to see how fast we could do it, but you better believe we will be next time!
These warm January days are such a treat - glad you got out and enjoyed it!