Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Recently our community group has been going through a study of Genesis, particularly seeking to see Jesus in it. Not exactly what you would expect, right? The best part about it is Jesus is all over the Old Testament! Side note-If you're searching for an in-depth study of Jesus in the OT take a look at Nancy Guthrie's different options. 

Anywho, back on track. . . this past week we dug deeper into the story of Adam and Eve and the temptation the serpent brought in the Garden of Eden. The story is common, but each time I read it I pick up something different. This time around my heart honed in on the concept of "helper". Specifically this verse:

The Lord God said, "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a suitable helper for him."

God knew that Adam could not continue alone and that he required a helper. God created all sorts of animals and creatures, but none served the purpose He was seeking for them. So he took a piece from Adam's own body to create the perfect complement-Eve. How beautiful is that? God created a wife just for the purpose to help Adam. Wow. Mind-blowing and a very heavy weight on my heart right now.

I posted recently asking for prayer for the vision God is laying on our hearts. As we continue to walk through this and pray I feel a new calling on my heart as a wife. Should David pursue full-time ministry, my role will change greatly as well. He will need me to help him in new and challenging ways. Reading these simple words, "I will make a suitable helper for him" has given me huge reassurance. His words are like a big hug at just the right moment. He's telling me, "I made you for this. I knew the plan when I placed you together". God is reminding me that I am not just David's wife, but I am His helper. What an amazing gift that is! I have the opportunity to support him in this grand adventure!

As you continue to pray for the vision God is laying on our hearts, I also ask for prayer as how best to support David.

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