Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Calling All Green Thumbs

Calling all green thumbs, we need your help! We have a lovely little piece of our yard that needs some TLC. 

Up close

A ways back

 The neighbors with the fluffy white terrorist finally finished their fence (HOORAY!) and while we are very grateful for this addition to the neighborhood, it has caused some issues for David in the mowing department. I don't know if you can tell but the yard slopes down into a little ditch and rises back up in the corner. David used to be able to turn the lawnmower around at the top, but the fence makes this very difficult. We know we want to plant some thing there, but have no idea what to do. 

This is where you (hopefully) come in. . . it gets sunlight almost all day and I'm an idiot when it comes to plants, so anything high maintenance should be removed from the list. I'm thinking something that is pretty and hard to kill

Any thoughts??

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