Friday, August 16, 2013

Friday's Letters [08.16]

Happy Friday one and all!


Dear summer, We sure had some awesome times this go around, but alas, they must end. 
You guys...there's a heygirlteacher tumblr. THERE IS A HEY GIRL TEACHER EDITION. That is all.
Dear dentist, Though I only see you twice a year, you still have this ability to illicit total fear and anxiety in me. Congratulations.

Dear back pain, What the heck? Not exactly sure where you came from, but you can return there now. Ain't nobody got time for you.

Dear Mother Nature, Do you need to talk? I feel like with these mood swings you must have a lot going on. I mean one day we're sitting at 95 with 100% humidity and ick, then a week later it's barely breaking 70. These mood swings are really difficult on my closet, but I'll take these cool dips as long as you want to send them!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I hate the dentist! I'd rather go to the gyno than the dentist any day!
