Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Teach the Unteachable

Show me how to love the unlovable
Show me how to reach the unreachable
Help me now to do the impossible
-Matthew West

Aside from one little addendum, this is my prayer as we enter a new school year. Each morning as I speak to the Lord I will say the above words with the addition of "teach the unteachable". 

I was running errands this past weekend when this song came on. Another one of those songs I had heard a thousand times, but never really listened to. As I sang along I really listened to the words I was saying. That's when it hit me-this is a prayer I should be saying to break the shell around my hardened teacher heart. Huh? Let me start over. . .

I am entering my fourth year of teaching, and even though I am far from a veteran, I still feel like I've kind of got this thing. I feel like I've got it figured out. I couldn't be more wrong. Instead of feeling so sure of myself and my teaching I should be humbling myself before God and asking for his guidance. Instead of seeing my students as kids I have to get to pass a test I should be remembering they are His children whom He has entrusted to me for a short time every day.

Every year we all have those students who frustrate us. These are the ones you just shake your head at before you drop it into your hands in exasperation. These are the ones who fall into every one of those "tough to teach" categories. These are the children who seem impossible, and are even labeled as such by many of the confines of our education system.
These are the ones who need that love even more. 
These are the ones who need to be reached the most. 
These children are not impossible with Him.

So, to all my teacher friends I ask that instead of giving up in overwhelming frustration, you instead pray for His guidance to give these children what He expects for them.

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