Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Letters [09.13]

Happy Friday one and all!


Dear Blogger, I don't know what your deal is but can you nip it in the bud? It's a smidge frustrating when I schedule a post that yo just decide not to publish. Or when I publish a post the you don't show. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Dear Jason Aldean, Thank you for a rockin' show last night. It was a fabulous way to end our summer concert series. And the fact that you surprised us with Kelly Clarkson?? Major bonus points there, sir.

Dear Triplets, Y'all are FINALLY 21-WAHOOOOOO! All the Wardlets have officially reached this milestone. Drink up and enjoy your day!

Trouble from the get-go. Can you figure out who's who?

Dear David, Six.freaking.years. Holy canoli. Being married three seemed like a big deal, but the fact that we're been together six is mind blowing. Here's to many, many more!

Our first picture together many moons ago

Dear Farmer's Almanac, So I heard you're spreading this rumor about a "very cold winter". I'm going to have to ask you stop right where you are. No body likes a liar.


  1. I wanted to go to that concert so bad last night!! Glad you had fun!! :) Blogger can be a pain ha
