Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday's Letters [08.24]

Happy Friday, folks!


Dear First Day, You are a mere 72 hours away-eek! Please be kind to me and my out-of-it body. It's going to take some time for me to get back in the swing of things and I would really appreciate it if you could ease that transition.

Dear Real Marriage, I am so grateful for the eye-opening conversations you are prompting within our marriage. Even though we've only been married two years, it is still crazy to see how much we've grown. Thank you for continuing to challenge us for growth.

Dear Daisy, My deepest apologies for the jolt to your spoiled schedule. I know hanging out in your two bedroom condo (aka, the crate) is not the most exciting thing in the world, but if you can figure out a way not to destroy every pillow we own maybe you can stay out. Just think, all this extra time to sleep allows for lots more stellar puppy dreams!

Dear readers, Thank you so much for your support of yesterday's post. It was not easy to write, but the overwhelming love and kindness you showed me made it worth it:-)

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck on Monday! And poor Miss Daisy! But I'm sure she will adjust pretty quick!
