Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Count Your Blessings

It's very easy to get caught up in the "want, want, want" mentality that surrounds this time of year. We very easily fall into the trap of lusting after things we do not have instead of being thankful for what we do have. I know that no matter how hard I try, the greedy Grinch in me comes out at some point every year to make an appearance. This year before that green monster comes, I'm going to recognize what I DO have and how grateful I am for it.

an amazing husband
I am so grateful for David. There really are no words for wonderful he is to me. My eyes have been opened to this even more in recent weeks and I hope that they never close to these things. He has been angelic with my pregnancy moodiness and probably deserves sainthood for all that he has to put up with from me these days! 

a healthy pregnancy
We have been infinitely blessed by how smoothly things have gone thus far. With my kidney mess there have been lots of opportunities for issues, but we have been very blessed.

I have a great support team in my family, friends, church peeps, etc. Without their love and prayers I would not be where I am right now.
So many do not have a home to go to or a warm meal at night. I am fortunate enough to have both, and much more. 
What are you thanking God for today??

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