Sunday, March 20, 2011

Come On, Barbie, Let's Go Party!

The Barbie party was fabulous! I don't know why I expected anything less from a party with such a marvelous theme. The women went all out with their outfits. The dress code was to wear an old bridesmaid's dress that went along with a Barbie. I ended up going as Wedding Barbie, and Mama went as Midge, Barbie's friend. Some of the other women went Diva Barbie, Chocolate Obsession Barbie, Velvet Barbie, and the goes on. They certainly did not disappoint!

We also went on a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood! If anyone was driving around the Huntersville neighborhood of MacAulay last night and saw a bunch of crazily-dressed women. . . guilty as charged! Picture a group of women in 80's bridesmaid's dresses running around at an outrageous pace, or as outrageous as 4 inch heels will take ya! A few of the things on the list: the team in a pyramid, walking someone else's dog, a satellite dish, a catalog pose, hugging a stranger, saluting a flag, a team member doing something unusual, playing on a swing set, etc. Only one group did all 40 items in the time allotted, but it sure was a blast trying!
 Me with my "wedding cake" 
(that is Mama's actual cake topper from her wedding!)
 The shoes I wore at my reception that came in great handy traipsing around the neighborhood! 
(thanks, Grandbobbie!)

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