Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday's Letters [07.26]

Happy Friday, folks!!


Dear TJ, We are so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in such a short time. We can't wait to see what's next!

Dear Keith Urban, You put on an amazing concert-one we will never forget!

Dear body, I am so sorry for all the havoc I have put you through these past few weeks. I promise the increased consumption of junk food and the decreased physical activity will end soon!

Dear David, Thank you so much for you patience and love. I know that I am not always the easiest to be around (pretty much every night when I get tired :) ), but I am so thankful that you continue to push in and love me.

Dear Daisy, I apologize that we continue to pawn you off on people this summer, it's not because we don't love you! With our travels done for the foreseeable future you can rest easy, you little Neurotic Nellie, you.


  1. So glad that yall are having a wonderful Summer!!

  2. I went to a Keith Urban concert last year - it was AMAZING!
