Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chick Flick List

Every girl loves a good chick flick. Duh. I've seen my fair share, but here is a look at a few (in no particular order) of my favorites!

*Sweet Home Alabama*
(I'd come back to Alabama too if Josh Lucas's blue eyes were waiting for me)
*Life As We Know It*
(A newbie, but it is absolutely precious!)
*You've Got Mail*
(Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are THE perfect chick flick couple)
*Steel Magnolias*
(Any good Southern girl knows just about every word to this one)
*Runaway Bride*
(Who doesn't love the moment Julia Roberts meets him in the field?!)
*August Rush*
(Not really a chick flick, but a favorite anyway!)
*Sleepless in Seattle*
(See "You've Got Mail")
*27 Dresses*
(The scene in the bar is a classic!)
*Walk the Line*
(One of the greatest love stories of all time coupled with an incredible soundtrack)

I'm sure I'm missing a whole bunch more, but what is your favorite chick flick?

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