Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thankful Thursday-Alive!

Alive! Alive! Look what Mercy’s overcome; Death has lost and Love has won
Alive! Alive! Hallelujah, Risen Lord, the only One I fall before
I am His because He is alive.
-Natalie Grant

It's been a few weeks since I've been able to do a Thankful Thursday post and I think I am long overdue! Here are a few things I am thanking the Lord for this week:

modern medicine
It is amazing what God can do through the healing hands of doctors and the medicine they prescribe to us. I have seen many close to me (including myself!) be healed of illnesses that years ago would have killed us. I am so grateful for this!!

time with family and friends
We have been blessed to have the opportunity to spend time with both sides of family and all sorts of close friends recently. I cannot wait for sweet, sweet summertime when I can stay past 8 to hang out;-) 

my incredible hubby
To put it bluntly, my hubby is a rockstar! He is always so selfless and giving with his time and efforts, but especially when it comes to seeing my family. He helped clean my parent's house and did the dishes after brunch so that I could spend time with them. Did I hit the jackpot or what?!?

 community volunteers
Without these people we would have never been able to conduct our state testing! A HUGE thanks to all the community members who donated their time to helping us out.

Anyone who teaches (or knows a teacher) knows this is a cuh-ray-zeee time of year. My co-workers have been a wonderful breath of fresh air to remind me not to freak (as I am known to do thanks to my ridiculous Type-A personality). 

What are you thankful for this week??

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