Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Filling Up Your Bucket

I worked as a nanny for a wonderful family the summer before I began my teaching career. All four children were full of love and grace, and I wish they were closer so we could continue to see them grow! Anywho, they had this book about "filling up others' buckets". The premise was that with each kind thing you say you are filling up someone's bucket, or heart, with good things and with each bad thing you say you take something away. It was a very sweet book that taught a great lesson.

Sitting in church a few weeks ago it hit me that Jesus calls us to continually fill buckets, and to resist the temptation to take from a bucket. By doing as we are called to do by Christ, we are filling up the buckets of those around us. Whether it's listening to a friend going through a tough time or preparing a meal for a sick neighbor, we are filling buckets. It's when we gossip with that friend or prepare the meal in hopes of getting one in return that we are taking from their bucket.

Like any other person, I struggle to fill buckets. I'm not purposely malicious, but in the haste of day-to-day tasks I get caught up and forget to minister to those around me, or fill their bucket. Thinking of my students, how hard is it for me to pause and compliment one when they do well on a weekly quiz? It's not hard, but I don't always do it. Or, is it really that tough for me to turn off my computer and phone and really listen to someone who just needs an ear? It's not tough, but I don't always do it.

Now, that my eyes have been truly opened to my selfishness I am going to work to fill others' buckets. What's stopping you from doing the same?

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
-Ephesians 4:29 

1 comment:

  1. This is a very good post and a great reminder. Thank you :)
